Entries by admin

Twegashe Read-Aloud

Watch a video of Twegashe students reading a book about the first day of kindergarten. A donated curriculum is helping these students learn to read.

Welcome to CORE Tanzania

If you’re a new visitor to CORE Tanzania, you may want to begin here to get an overview of our organization that includes an update on recent progress with our Twegashe Primary School project.

We’ve Moved In!

There’s been lots of progress lately at Twegashe School. The classrooms have been painted, two teacher houses are nearly finished, and the microflush biofil composting toilets are working well. The kindergartners are very happy to be in their new home!

Life in the Village

Learn about life in the village from the perspective of a typical third grader as she describes her daily routine.

Back in School after COVID-19 Closure

Schools in Tanzania, including Twegashe, have re-opened. But there are still a lot of uncertainties about the coronavirus situation around the country. We’re being cautious to help keep our kids and the community safe.

COVID-19 News from Bushasha

CORE Tanzania’s board president writes from Bushasha with an update on the coronavirus situation in Tanzanian, its effect on life in the village, and its impact on our Twegashe School Program.

Let’s Go to School!

Twegashe School is now open at a temporary location in the village church. With the help of our cook, parent volunteers, and two loving and enthusiastic teachers, the start of school has been very successful. The children are having fun, and learning a lot at the same time.

Birds of Bushasha

Check out these beautiful photos of some of the bird-life in Bushasha, taken by a CORE Tanzania board member during a visit to the village.