Welcome to Bushasha!
Twegashe Primary School is located in the village of Bushasha, in the Kagera region of northwest Tanzania, close to the Uganda border. The village is far from the game parks and exotic Maasai tribes of northeastern Tanzania that attract outside visitors and, consequently, a lot of outside aid. The 15-acre school site was donated by the village in demonstration of their strong support for the project.
Bushasha is on the shore of Lake Victoria. Villagers have traditionally relied on the lake as a source of food and income, but over-fishing and invasive species in the lake have made it increasingly hard for villagers to earn a livelihood from fishing.
Most villagers are subsistence farmers or fisherman. Many families also raise coffee as a limited source of cash but the market for the Robusta coffee grown here is limited.
Life is simple in Bushasha—most people have no electricity, there is no indoor plumbing, no farming equipment other than hoes, and most women still cook on open wood fires.
The AIDS epidemic, which struck this region of Tanzania with particular ferocity, has left many children orphaned and continues to take a significant toll on the community.
Another factor limiting economic progress is the lack of reliable transportation to and from the village.
Perhaps the most valuable resource Bushasha has is its children. Twegashe Primary School is allowing children to develop their full potential and help breathe new vitality into this community.